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Philippines and Warsaw Climate Negotiations

RTCC Nov 11 with full transcript: Philippines negotiator Nasarev (Yeb) Sano declares hunger fast.


“Excerpt [from Yeb Sano’s transcript]: These last two days, there are moments when I feel that I should rally behind the climate advocates who peacefully confront those historically responsible for the current […]

Naomi Klein Attacked by “Climate Progress”

No, Naomi Klein And Salon, ‘Denialism’ By Enviros Has Not Been ‘More Damaging Than The Right-Wing Denialism’ […]

Naomi Klein: Blaming Environmentalists for Climate Change?

Did you read the interview of Naomi Klein, author of Shock Doctrine and collaborator with Bill McKibben in the 350.0rg protests against the Keystone XL Pipeline, in which she criticizes environmental groups for having a negative impact on efforts to reduce green house gas emissions? […]