If 97% of scientists agree that anthropogenic forces are creating climate change, then why does nearly half the U.S. population express doubt about this?
We used to chalk it up to the Koch brothers and oil industry disinformation, but check out the Thrive Movement and their slick Youtube video at Thrivemovement.org.
The ThriveMovement film plunges you headlong into conspiracy theory. It’s a vast, complicated narrative that spins out overly nearly two hours of film. Highlights include:
- New Energy could be freely available to everyone, except the oil companies and banks have colluded with government to kill the scientists and inventors who have created these marvelous energy producing devices.
- The bankers are seeking absolute totalitarian control over the whole globe.
- This New World Order will be sustained by international taxation.
- carbon taxes and other payments for climate change mitigation are an insidious part of this growing totalitarian control.
- Climate Change is a hoax designed to enslave us to the Banker-Totalitarian masters of the globe
This film, made by Foster and Kimberly Gamble (of the Proctor and Gamble fortune) opens into a vast sub-culture of conspiracy theorists that is thriving in the U.S. and elsewhere.
David Icke features in the film. He’s the guy who thinks the world is really ruled by reptilian aliens. Icke connects to Cathy O’Brien, who is apparently delusional rather than merely pandering and opportunistic. O’Brien makes her living selling books and giving talks about the criminal governmental figures served by mind-controlled sex slaves. O’Brien claims to know this because, she says, she and her daughter were sexually enslaved via a CIA mind-control program called MK Ultra. Those allegedly abusing her range from Gerald Ford to Dick Cheney, Senator Robert Byrd, and Hilary Clinton. This plays as real in Hollywood, where in 2009 Roseanne Barr introduced her at a benefit event.
O’Brien’s pornographically detailed memoir, Trance: Formation of America is in its fourteenth printing. It combines lurid details of sexual abuse, pedophilia, and forced prostitution, with an indictment of top federal officials as criminal abusers of children. The mind control O’Brien claims to have suffered, is allegedly going to be deployed against all Americans. One vehicle for this is federal control over elementary education.
Science does not really stand a chance against this pornographically enthralling conspiracy theory.
Wake up, people, the living world is dying all around you!
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